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These Christmaths competitions have been created so that they are accessible to all students from Year 7 to Year 13. Each year there is a different theme to the challenges. Usually the competitions are organised so that the students can access a new page each day, or sometimes every two days, in the lead up to the Christmas break - this has depended on the time available.

Of course, should you be able to make use of any of the resources you can do what you like! Indicated below is the year that each competition was first used and the number of days worth of challenges in that particular competition.

2000 - The 12 days of Christmaths - 12 days

2003 - The Breindeer Christmaths - 9 days

2004 - Christmaths Crackers - 5 days

2005 - Christmaths with the Simpsons - 5 days

2006 - The Mathematicians' Christmaths Reunion Dinner - 5 days

2007 - Harry Christmaths - 7 days

2008 - A Cartoon Christmaths - 8 days

2009 - Christmaths with the Mr Men - 4 days

2010 - A Superhero Christmaths - 3 days

2011 - Olympic Christmaths - 5 days

2012 - Christmaths Movies - 4 days

2013 - Winter Olympic Christmaths - 5 days

2014 - X-maths Bond - 6 days

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